Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Members statements
Bulleen park-and-ride
Members statements
Bulleen park-and-ride
Matthew GUY (Bulleen) (09:38): Very nearly was I late for work this morning, like many people in the City of Manningham, and I might add many residents of Eltham and Diamond Creek, who have all been encouraged to use the Bulleen park-and-ride. The $69 million facility built by the Labor government has just 370 car spaces, which is fewer than seven full busloads, for a brand new park-and-ride, at $186,000 per car space. At the same time as the Labor government is encouraging people to use this park-and-ride, they have shut the railway line from Eltham to Heidelberg and they have shut the Doncaster park-and-ride, which has 435 car spaces. Thompsons Road is a disaster, Manningham Road is a disaster and Bulleen and Templestowe roads are a disaster. No Labor MP gets the bus to work like I do, and the best the government can come up with is, ‘Oh, we’re doing what matters.’ What you are doing is nothing, and you are a pack of fools. While we are talking about this matter –
The SPEAKER: Order! Through the Chair, member for Bulleen.
Matthew GUY: Speaker, you are a very decent person, and I respectfully say to you: why did the government shut the path from Willow Bend to Estelle Street – 180 metres – to make school kids at Belle Vue Primary, in the member for Kew’s seat, who live in my electorate walk 1.1 kilometres up the hill when they are not even doing anything with that part of the freeway? Again, they are out of touch – (Time expired)