Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Bail laws
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Bail laws
Brad BATTIN (Berwick – Leader of the Opposition) (14:02): My question is to the Premier. I refer to the Premier’s public commitment yesterday that the government had commenced a review into bail laws led by the Attorney-General and the Minister for Police. This morning the Minister for Police contradicted the Premier by confirming there is no formal review. Who is telling the truth, the Premier or the Minister for Police?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:03): As I said yesterday, as someone who listens to the community and then understands the need to act in response to the concerns of the community, particularly when it is working people – working people that we on this side of the house stand for and support, and women and children that we on this side of the house stand for and support – I know there is more to do. With the changes we made last year, the strengthening of the youth justice framework in this state that those opposite opposed, we are already making a difference. It is already making a difference.
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, the Premier is debating the question. I ask you to bring her back to the very narrow question.
Mary-Anne Thomas: Speaker, the Manager of Opposition Business is simply wrong. There is no point of order. The Premier was being directly relevant in her response to the question that was asked, and she is not debating the question. She was answering the question for the less than 40 seconds that she had been on her feet.
The SPEAKER: The Premier will come back to the question.
Jacinta ALLAN: As I was saying, we know there is more work to do. It is our responsibility as leaders in this community to listen to what the community are saying and take action. We did it last year and we are doing it again. That is why, as I said yesterday, I have asked the Attorney-General and I have asked the police minister to review our current settings, including bail. Let me make this very clear –
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! I ask members at the table to cease interjecting across the table.
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, the Premier is misleading the house, clearly. She is required to be factual under sessional order 11.
The SPEAKER: That is not a point of order.
Jacinta ALLAN: Let me be very clear about what the terms of reference for this review work are. They are crystal clear. They are keeping Victorians safe. It is keeping Victorians safe. Everything is on the table as we look at doing what more we need to do to keep Victorians safe.
Brad BATTIN (Berwick – Leader of the Opposition) (14:05): Yesterday the Premier was unable to answer basic questions about her so-called review, including what will be reviewed and when it will be finalised. Isn’t it a fact that the Premier is unable to answer these basic questions because there is no review?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:06): I will repeat this again for the benefit of the Leader of the Liberal Party, who opposed the stronger settings we introduced into the Parliament last year. I have asked the Minister for Police and the Attorney-General to review our current settings, including bail. The terms of reference for this work are crystal clear.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! Premier, I am on my feet. It is not acceptable. Member for Brighton, when I am on my feet, you will resume your seat.
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, the Premier has twice been asked about the fact that the Minister for Police has exposed her fake review, and the Premier has yet to answer the question about her fake review.
The SPEAKER: There is no point of order.
Jacinta ALLAN: As I was saying before I was interrupted by the alternative Manager of Opposition Business, let me be very clear what the terms of reference are. They are crystal clear. They are keeping Victorians safe. Everything is on the table, and we will make further announcements on this important work in the next three months.