Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Constituency questions

Bass electorate


Bass electorate

Jordan CRUGNALE (Bass) (14:52): (965) My question is to the Minister for Environment and is regarding the erosion at Inverloch and Silverleaves in my electorate of Bass. What measures is the Allan Labor government undertaking to protect our coastline? With the approaching Easter king tides and potential storm surges, my community is concerned about further scouring and erosion. We need to plan and carry out interim nourishment activities in the very immediate term to further protect coastal assets in Inverloch and homes in Silverleaves. In Inverloch we are well advanced on the large-scale dune reconstruction project as part of the cape-to-cape resilience plan, and this is scheduled to start this spring. In Silverleaves we have worked with the community, undertaken a coastal adaptation study and developed designs and costings for a preferred short-to-medium term solution that can be modified, relocated or removed in future to align with final adaptation options. I was pleased also to facilitate a meeting with the minister and Bass Coast council just last week to discuss this important issue.