Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Members statements
Bayside kindergarten forum
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Bayside kindergarten forum
Brad ROWSWELL (Sandringham) (09:46): Last week I had the privilege of meeting with kindergartens from across the Sandringham electorate and the broader Bayside community at the Bayside kindergarten forum. This forum provides an invaluable opportunity to discuss the challenges facing bayside kindergartens, particularly the shortfalls of Labor’s free kinder, which every service understands actually costs them more. I extend my sincere thanks to Miles Harris for his initiative and his support in coordinating this important event, and I thank Hurlingham Preschool, Paisley Park Early Learning Centre, Black Rock Pre-school, Hampton Community Kindergarten, Holy Trinity Kindergarten in Hampton and Beaumaris playhouse for their participation. Every local family deserves world-class early childhood education services, and I will keep fighting to ensure they get just that.