Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Constituency questions

South-West Coast electorate

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South-West Coast electorate

Roma BRITNELL (South-West Coast) (15:05): (1024) My constituency question is to the Minister for Regional Development, and I ask why businesses who applied for grant funding in July 2024, with an outcome promised by November 2024, are still waiting for a response. Businesses were asked to be shovel ready, provide detailed costings and have permits obtained. Since then prices have gone up, and permits have finite time windows. Due to the government’s delay businesses will need to redo their work. Shane Clancey from Basalt Wines applied for a grant. He drew up plans, applied for permits and put aside funds to augment the Regional Tourism Investment Fund grant. It is March, and they still have no response four months later. In typical Allan Labor government style, promises are made, people in good faith expend effort and then the government does not deliver.