Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Constituency questions
Brunswick electorate
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Brunswick electorate
Tim READ (Brunswick) (15:06): (1026) My question is for the Minister for Public and Active Transport and Minister for Transport Infrastructure. Last week the government announced two new activity centres along the Upfield train line, including one near Brunswick station in my electorate. I welcome inner-city developments that encourage people to use public transport rather than adding more cars to our already clogged roads, but the notoriously infrequent Upfield line was recently dubbed Melbourne’s most infuriating train line in the Age, due to its 4 kilometres of single track, only allowing one train to run at a time, and the Metro Tunnel project has reportedly scrapped plans to build a turnback at Gowrie station that would help solve this problem. I worry that the main activity in these centres will be waiting 20 minutes for a train. How does the government plan to meet the increased demand for public transport that will result from the new activity centres along the Upfield line?