Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Shepparton rail line
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Shepparton rail line
Kim O’KEEFFE (Shepparton) (19:04): (1043) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, and the action I seek is for the minister to visit the Shepparton railway station to see why funding is desperately needed to upgrade the existing car park. Currently there are just 45 car parks at the station, and with only five return services a day it is still virtually impossible to get a car park. Surrounding streets are becoming clogged with cars as people park within walking distance of the station. In the evening this is a safety risk, with little street lighting and uneven road and path surfaces.
The stage 3 line upgrade, which was due to be completed in 2023, has promised nine return weekday services. When it is eventually delivered, the demand on the station’s infrastructure will be impossible to accommodate with the existing car park. At the moment many locals will drive to Seymour and park there, where there are more regular services, when travelling to Melbourne. But once the additional weekday services are finally delivered to Shepparton, these commuters are likely to board at the Shepparton station and will need additional parking. My constituents have raised this matter and are frustrated with the lack of car parks. I have also been contacted about the overcrowded and unsafe trains, with some passengers not able to get a seat – again, a sign of the increased patronage. Locals should not have their narrow streets clogged by parked cars all day and nor should surrounding traders have their car parks used by commuters just because of the substandard facilities at the station. Growing regional communities need to be able to travel safely and get a car park. The Shepp line upgrade needs an adequate car park, and I ask the minister to visit the Shepparton station and see firsthand why the car park upgrade is urgently needed.