Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: TAFE funding
Ministers statements: TAFE funding
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Training and Skills, Minister for Higher Education, Minister for Agriculture) (13:48): I will use the opportunity to be the Minister for Training and Skills on this occasion. I am pleased to update the chamber on how the Andrews Labor government is providing free TAFE to more Victorians. Last week I was pleased to visit Box Hill Institute with federal Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O’Connor to announce the expansion of free TAFE. The Andrews Labor government has removed the upskilling rule so people with a previous higher qualification can change careers and complete a free TAFE course. Essentially there are 2 million Victorians that have got a diploma or a higher education certificate that will now be eligible. We have also removed the once-in-a-lifetime limit on free TAFE courses within specific training pathways, including nursing, early childhood, community services, building and construction.
At Box Hill TAFE we met a group of trade students and a group of hospitality students studying courses that will set them up in fantastic jobs with financial security and also of course help Victoria’s economy grow. I was really pleased to meet Thomas. He had originally studied arts and then HR at university but was not finding that stimulating enough. He said that TAFE actually had not been raised as a very good option when he was at school, but he did notice the free TAFE ads and thought being an electrician would keep him very busy and mentally alert. He is currently completing the 10-week preapprenticeship course, which he said is fascinating, and is delighted that he will not be adding to a large HECS debt. Thomas cannot wait to start his apprenticeship and cert III once he finishes his preapprenticeship. The Andrews Labor government has continued to show its commitment to TAFE, and now more than ever Victorians will have even more access to free TAFE courses in this state.