Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Business of the house
General business
General business
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (14:21): I move, by leave:
That the following general business take precedence on Wednesday 8 February 2023:
(1) order of the day 3, second reading of the Children, Youth and Families Amendment (Raise the Age) Bill 2022;
(2) order of the day 6, second reading of the Parliamentary Committees Amendment (Preventing Government Dominated Investigatory Committees) Bill 2022;
(3) notice of motion 3 standing in Georgie Crozier’s name on the production of documents relating to the staff shortages in the public health system;
(4) order of the day 1, resumption of debate on the second reading of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Restoration of Examination Powers) Bill 2022;
(5) order of the day 2, resumption of debate on the second reading of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Facilitation of Timely Reporting) Bill 2022;
(6) notice of motion 11 standing in Samantha Ratnam’s name on the group voting system;
(7) notice of motion given this day by Jeff Bourman on the native timber industry;
and the resumption of debate on the address in reply to the Governor’s speech be postponed until Thursday 9 February 2023.
Motion agreed to.