Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Duck hunting
Duck hunting
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (13:50): (15) My question will be no surprise to anyone that has been here before. My question is to the minister representing the Minister for Outdoor Recreation, who from memory is Minister Stitt. Duck hunting is legislated and duck hunting is sustainable according to the government’s own scientists, yet here we have duck hunting again under attack, and from what I can tell it is borderline whether we will get a season at all this year, despite the government’s very own scientists telling us that a season is sustainable. One of the scientists even went on the ABC and very publicly supported the season. Hunter misbehaviour was rolled out by the Premier as why we should not be surprised to have duck hunting banned, yet the Game Management Authority’s own data suggests that hunters are probably one of the best behaved cohorts of society in general. Assuming all the fines and breaches were hunters, which is highly unlikely, that is 0.12 per cent – statistically irrelevant and hardly justification for cancelling duck hunting. So my question is: why did the Premier mention this when it was clearly incorrect?
Ingrid Stitt: On a point of order, President, I think it is Minister Shing.
The PRESIDENT: Minister Shing.
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Minister for Equality) (13:51): Just on that, I am wondering, President, whether you might seek that the member rephrase the question on the basis that he was asking why it is that the Premier did certain things. That might be perhaps something that can be rephrased by Mr Bourman.
The PRESIDENT: Minister, I am happy for it to stand.
Harriet SHING: Thank you, President. Thank you, Mr Bourman. You and I, I know, have had numerous conversations about this very topic over the eight years that we have been in this place. I am very happy to forward that question on to the minister for a response to be provided to you in accordance with the standing orders.
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (13:52): I thank the minister for her forwarding it on. My supplementary question is: the data is in, the science is in – what is the a hold-up for releasing the seasonal changes for the 2023 season?
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Minister for Equality) (13:52): Again, in accordance with the standing orders, I will seek that the minister provides a response to you.