Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Members statements
Australia Day awards
Australia Day awards
Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (14:31): I would like to acknowledge all of the award recipients and nominees for the Australia Day awards in Eastern Victoria Region and share with the house four exemplary people: Mr Max Wood was South Gippsland’s Senior Citizen of the Year, Mr Glenn Wright was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia, Mrs Nadia Stefani was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia and Mr Peter Keenan was Latrobe City Senior Citizen of the Year.
Max Wood is an absolutely dedicated South Gippslander. He lived most of his life in Welshpool and was like salt and pepper – he was in every single club and supporters group, with 39 years in the CFA. But his award was for his work in establishing the Leongatha Men’s Shed in most recent times and his ability to turn a $60,000 grant from the state government into a $350,000 facility and social hub. Congratulations to Max – a very, very worth recipient.
Mr Glenn Wright, again, is salt and pepper. He is in the Leongatha Football and Netball Club and the district cricket association in leadership roles and is the most amazing person.
Ms Nadia Stefani is a lady I know well – Fish Creek, Fish Creek, Fish Creek. She has been in absolutely everything in Fish Creek, and I congratulate her for her service to her community.
Mr Peter Keenan: 47 years in the CFA, a passionate Victorian, in the Gippsland Dog Obedience Club, the umpires association, service to the community and heart on his sleeve where the CFA is concerned.