Thursday, 19 October 2023

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region


Northern Victoria Region

Georgie PURCELL (Northern Victoria) (12:52): (480) My constituency question is for the Minister for Agriculture in the other place. Northern Victoria is home to several critical microbat and flying fox colonies, including an iconic one in Bendigo, but many vets across Victoria are not treating them due to the risk of contracting lyssavirus. Instead their care, including emergency euthanasia, is forced upon vaccinated rescuers whose only legal option is to use blunt force trauma. These deaths are inhumane, and it is driving the expert volunteers away from the rescue workforce. It is no secret that Victorian vets are feeling undersupported. Last year a motion was passed in this house for a stronger framework for wildlife vet care. It is clear that a lack of resources is the only thing preventing vets from working with these remarkable keystone species. My constituents want to know if the minister will support the vaccination and training of vet staff at 24-hour clinics in Northern Victoria to help end the prolonged suffering of bats.