Thursday, 19 October 2023

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (14:05): (490) My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it concerns the current condition of the road surfaces at two locations on the VicRoads-controlled A300 Midland Highway. A constituent has reported to me that the road surface of the westbound lane of the Midland Highway near Hosie Road in the township of Shepparton East has many large potholes that are a dangerous hazard for road users. The same constituent reported to me that the road surface of the left-hand northbound lane of an overtaking section of the Midland Highway near Lake Nillahcootie at Barjarg is in a terrible condition. This part of the highway carries a lot of tourist traffic travelling to nearby lakes in the summer or to Mount Buller during the snow season and Mansfield all year round. The government requires motorists to maintain their cars to a roadworthy standard, but this government is not delivering roads that are carworthy. Will the minister order the immediate repair of the road surfaces of these two locations on the Midland Highway?