Thursday, 19 October 2023

Constituency questions

Southern Metropolitan Region

Southern Metropolitan Region

David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (14:06): (491) My matter is for the attention of the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. It concerns the bus stop in the Surrey Hills–Mont Albert level crossing removal project, and it relates to the bus stop in particular in Windsor Crescent. I ask: will the new Minister for Transport Infrastructure meet with Mr Dowel, who is my correspondent, and the Friends of Lorne Parade Reserve to explain why the bus stop has been moved without consultation with the local community? Importantly, I note that the 766 is a slow, snaky bus, and they have changed the location of some of the stops here from Windsor Crescent to further away. The community wanted it there, and there has been tremendous damage done to Lorne Parade and the area around that. It is time that the government actually faced up to some of these changes – changes that have been made without consultation, changes that impact severely on the community. Enough is enough.