Tuesday,28 November 2023
Constituency questions
Eastern Victoria Region
Eastern Victoria Region
Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:51): (586) My question is to the Minister for Environment. Closed by Parks Victoria in 2018, the Bear Gully Campground has been used for decades by nature-loving tourists and locals as a place to enjoy the Walkerville coastline on the beautiful Waratah Bay. The campground, including pedestrian access to the beach, is closed for campers and day visitors. Noting that Parks Victoria is working with First Peoples to assess the area for cultural heritage sites, my South Gippsland constituents are justifiably frustrated. Five years is an unacceptably long time to wait for an outcome that strikes a balance between cultural heritage sites of significance and public access to a much-loved public land space. Minister, if there is a hold-up in funding, then fix it, please, but will you inform my constituents when the Bear Gully Campground in Cape Liptrap Coastal Park will be open to public access and campers?
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