Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Constituency questions

South-Eastern Metropolitan Region


South-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Ann-Marie HERMANS (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:57): (591) My question is to the Minister for Housing. I ask why Casey rentals are at their most unaffordable since 2015, and this is especially so for pensioner couples according to newly released statistics. Under the government’s Big Housing Build launched in 2020, only 76 social housing dwellings have been built in Casey, with only 70 still underway. Before the 2022 state election the City of Casey called on the government for an urgent investment to stem the significant and growing shortfall of 6000 affordable and social housing dwellings. For low-income earners, there are only two affordable two-bedroom rentals available in the entire Casey council area, two in Cardinia shire and 23 in Greater Dandenong. Homelessness support service Wayss said that the south-east growth corridor has been neglected, with its proportion of public and community housing well below the average for Greater Melbourne. Minister, Melbourne’s rental market is in crisis, it is punishing people who have the least and it is only getting worse. Will you provide some advice for those suffering in my electorate?