Tuesday,28 November 2023
Business of the house
Standing and sessional orders
Standing and sessional orders
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (13:29): I move, by leave:
(1) the resolution of 16 November 2023 altering the order of business for Wednesday 29 November 2023 be rescinded;
(2) so much of standing and sessional orders be suspended to the extent necessary to allow the following to apply to the sitting of the Council on Thursday 8 February 2024:
(a) the order of business to be:
Formal business
Members statements (up to 15 members)
Government business
At 2 pm Questions
Government business (continues)
At 10 pm Adjournment (up to 20 members);
(b) the President to suspend the sitting of the Council to allow members to attend the Assembly chamber at 11:30 am for a special sitting to consider a motion for a parliamentary apology for past care leavers and resume the sitting of the Council at 2 pm; and
(c) any business under discussion at the time the President suspends the sitting will be resumed at the resumption of the sitting of the Council following ‘Questions’.
Motion agreed to.