Wednesday, 7 February 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: youth mental health services
Ministers statements: youth mental health services
Ingrid STITT (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (12:40): I rise to update the house on the opening of three new children’s health and wellbeing locals ensuring that Victorian children and their families get the mental health support they need when they need it. Late last year I joined federal Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention the Honourable Emma McBride in Sunshine to officially open three new services located in Sunshine, Bendigo and Cranbourne thanks to an investment of over $41 million from the Victorian Labor government and $22.3 million from the Commonwealth. These services, delivered by the Allan and Albanese Labor governments, are part of our bilateral agreement on mental health and suicide prevention and provide specialist support for children aged zero to 11 years and their families free of charge, with no referral required. Support includes specialist medical and allied health services for children who are experiencing developmental, behavioural and emotional challenges, including paediatricians, psychologists and speech pathologists, all under one roof. Backing our young Victorians is critical, but so is supporting their parents. That is why the locals will also deliver family services, group parenting programs and culturally safe wraparound services.
These services have been designed in consultation with the local community and people with lived experience as well as local service providers, including our Aboriginal community controlled organisations. Delivering on key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System and the National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, these locals respond to the need for a renewed focus on early intervention and age-appropriate care to meet developmental and mental health challenges in younger Victorian children. We have made record investments in our mental health system, ensuring Victorians get the care they need and deserve, and this partnership with the Commonwealth is another example of how the Allan Labor government is working to completely rebuild – (Time expired)