Wednesday, 7 February 2024
Greenvale pedestrian safety
Greenvale pedestrian safety
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (17:24): (674) My adjournment tonight is seeking the action of the Minister for Public and Active Transport. The action I seek is for the minister to put forward plans to commence construction of foot paving in vital locations to make Greenvale, in my electorate, safer. Greenvale, in Melbourne’s north, is popular amongst young families and has a growing population, so the need for safe new paths is vital. The Greenvale shopping centre is becoming, if it is not already, the central hub for all of Greenvale. It is the location of various stores, the home of two main bus routes through the suburb and the host to various school service lines. That means the Greenvale shopping centre is a hotspot for our children.
Aitken College parents have expressed to me their concerns that their children coming from the south of the college are simply not able to ride or walk to school. These children will be subject to missing out on the vast benefits of active transport. As a result, buses are frequently overcrowded, travelling to and from the college, due to a restricted number of public transport options for many students. What my constituency and community ask for is safer road access coming from Greenvale shopping centre, the far side of the road, and then a connection of the path over the current roundabout to the existing paving in the newly opened estate. This would allow for a route to open for students to make their way safely from the south of the college to the school’s Providence estate gate, where bike racks and a safe space are located.
Additionally, at the intersection of Greenvale Drive and Mickleham Road you are able to cross the road at a set of traffic lights to a non-existent footpath on your left. There is a need for a path from Greenvale shopping centre to Bonds Lane on the far side of the road. This path would provide safe access to local child care, the Villa Verde gardens and the Greenvale Football Club, as well as the new estate, which is now situated on Bonds Lane. These areas are prominent for many families and members of the community, hence why we need to make these areas safe.
Thirdly, at the intersection of Barrymore and Mickleham roads there is a need for a path on the far side of the road to allow safe pedestrian access to the Mickleham Road entrance of Woodlands historical parkland. The Woodlands historical parkland is host to stunning views and exceptional bike and walking tracks but is not currently safely accessible for residents via foot or bike. I often see children struggling to queue up on the Mickleham Road nature strip, waiting for a break in traffic to cross. It is simply unacceptable for our children to have to cross close to cars travelling in excess of 80 kilometres an hour. So I ask: what action will the minister take to ensure various places in Greenvale are safely accessible for our children and our wider community?