Wednesday, 7 February 2024
Constituency questions
South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Ann-Marie HERMANS (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:57): (647) My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it is also regarding a missed opportunity that I might add was originally funded and for which provisions would have been made by a Liberal government, with $36.5 million being co-funded – $30 million from the feds and $6.5 million from the state – but has been ignored by this Labor government. My question to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety is this: will the minister revisit the planned upgrade works along Ballarto Road in Skye to include the CFA-requested controlled intersection at Potts Road and Ballarto Road in Skye so that there is a safer mode of exit and less lengthy delays? The CFA are in danger. They have really been asking for this for a very long time. They see that this is an opportunity for them to be able to enter safely so that they can respond to code 1s, and they have experienced delays at this intersection. Under the existing traffic management system emergency vehicles are not able to – (Time expired)