Tuesday, 30 August 2022





Incorporated list as follows:

DOCUMENTS TABLED UNDER ACTS OF PARLIAMENT—The Clerk tabled the following documents under Acts of Parliament:

Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978:

Orders under s 17B granting licences over:

Albert Park

Kings Domain Reserve and Alexandra Park Reserve

Treasury Gardens, Alexandra Gardens, Kings Domain Reserve and Parliament Gardens

Order under s 17D granting a lease over Point Leo Foreshore Reserve

Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984—Notices under s 32(3)(a)(iii) in relation to:

Guidelines for Assessing Fitness to Drive (Gazette S415, 19 August 2022)

Statutory Rule 61—Notice of Incorporation of Material and Address for Inspection of Documents (Gazette G33, 18 August 2022)

Planning and Environment Act 1987—Notices of approval of amendments to the following Planning Schemes:






Northern Grampians—C61

Port Phillip—C183



Statutory Rules under the following Acts:

Alpine Resorts (Management) Act 1997—SR 67

Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Act 2017—SR 66

Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978—SR 62

Electoral Act 2002—SR 68

Forests Act 1958—SR 63

Gas Safety Act 1997—SR 64

Subordinate Legislation Act 1994—SR 65

Supreme Court Act 1986—SR 69

Subordinate Legislation Act 1994:

Documents under s 15 in relation to Statutory Rules 57, 62, 63, 68, 69

Documents under s 16B in relation to the Land Tax Act 2005—Guidelines for rooming house exemption under s 75

Victorian Electoral Commission—Report to Parliament on the 2021 South Gippsland Shire Council general election

Victorian Environmental Assessment Council—Assessment of the values of the Strathbogie Ranges and Mirboo North Immediate Protection Areas (3 documents).

PROCLAMATIONS—Under Standing Order 177A, the Clerk tabled the following proclamations fixing operative dates:

Gambling and Liquor Legislation Amendment Act 2022—Part 2 (other than Division 1), Part 3 (other than Divisions 1 and 3), Part 4 (other than ss 146(3), 147, 148, 149 and 155) and Part 5—1 September 2022 (Gazette S422, 23 August 2022)

Victorian Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2021—Whole Act other than s 11(7) and (8)—1 September 2022 (Gazette S422, 23 August 2022)

Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Arbitration) Act 2021—Whole Act—1 September 2022 (Gazette S422, 23 August 2022).