Tuesday, 30 August 2022
Members statements
Mildura Base Public Hospital
Mildura Base Public Hospital
Ms CUPPER (Mildura) (15:35): Saturday night before last, Mildura Base Public Hospital held its first major fundraiser in more than 20 years. The base’s proud history of community fundraising came to an abrupt end in 1998 when our hospital was privatised by the then Liberal-National party coalition government. Following a hard-fought seven-year community campaign, on 15 September 2020 the Andrews government brought our hospital back into public hands, and we are eternally grateful for that. Since then the hospital foundation has raised more than $1.6 million. The goodwill and passion that our community has for our hospital can be channelled into fundraising once again.
A highlight of the night was the launch of the KC Society in honour of the late great surgeon Kevin Chambers, whose extraordinary talents, skill and dedication across decades saved countless lives and earned him legend status across the Mallee. Mr Chambers was also a man of principle, putting his livelihood on the line in 2012 to blow the whistle on the failed privatisation experiment at Mildura base. It was a seminal moment. His courage inspired other local healthcare workers to activate, to risk their own careers and carry the cause for as long as it took for the stars to align and for the fight to be won. Two of those heroes were sitting at my table at this fundraiser: Stephen Parr and Danielle White. Congratulations to the dynamic team at Mildura Base Public Hospital and the Mildura Base Public Hospital foundation for an incredible effort. The base is back, baby!