Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Constituency questions

Rowville electorate

Rowville electorate

Mr WELLS (Rowville) (14:45): (6504) My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Minister, what date has VicRoads scheduled to fix the appalling road conditions on Napoleon, Wellington and Lysterfield roads in Rowville? Drivers are reporting damaged wheels and tyre rims from deep holes in the road. Drivers have no room whatsoever to drive around potholes without risking an accident. My office emailed the minister in April about the danger, but his reply gave no indication of when the resurfacing work would be done. Now it is the end of winter, and in the words of another resident, ‘Napoleon Road is a disgrace’. More than three years ago the federal government pledged $50 million to fix congestion on Napoleon Road. If the state government stopped playing politics and built this section of road properly, then there would be no need for ad hoc repairs. I urge the government to stop gambling on road safety and upgrade these roads immediately.