Wednesday, 16 August 2023
Members statements
Maribyrnong Park Football Club
Maribyrnong Park Football Club
Danny PEARSON (Essendon – Minister for Government Services, Assistant Treasurer, Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC, Minister for Consumer Affairs) (09:39): I rise today to give thanks to Adrian McDonald, Vince De Fazio and Ryan Mistry. These three gentlemen have been coaches for Maribyrnong Park. Eggie, otherwise known as Adrian McDonald, and Vince have coached the under-14s seconds team this year, and they build on the great work of Ryan Mistry. I want to make this contribution because I think it will be Eggie’s last season as coach. It is important to have really strong, positive male role models in the lives of boys as they start to come of age, and Eggie as well as Vince and Ryan have taught the boys so much. It is not just about football, it is about values. It is about sticking with your friends. It is about playing the game fairly and playing it with decency, honesty and courage. These are lessons that will stay with these boys long after they leave the football field, in whatever they choose to do in life. The contributions these guys have made – literally hundreds of hours over the last few years to do what has been a really important role. From my perspective, I just really want to thank all three guys for what they have done.