Wednesday, 16 August 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: housing affordability
Ministers statements: housing affordability
Sonya KILKENNY (Carrum – Minister for Planning, Minister for Outdoor Recreation) (14:18): I am pleased to rise today to talk about this government’s focus on achieving great planning outcomes for the people of Victoria. We know how important it is for governments to address housing affordability and housing choice, and as our population grows over coming decades we need more homes. These homes must be affordable, they must be quality homes and they must offer choice. We must deliver a greater diversity of homes in good locations close to transport, jobs and services.
Last week I visited a terrific build-to-rent-to-buy development with my colleague the member for Northern Metropolitan Region in the other place. Under this model residents rent their home for five years while they save to purchase their home, bridging the gap between renting and home ownership and giving people access to live in their home far sooner. Build-to-rent and build-to-rent-to-buy are just some of the new models this government is supporting to deliver more homes and to create more opportunities for people to live in attractive, well-designed, connected and thriving neighbourhoods.
Last fortnight in this house I invited all members to join me in a conversation about the best way to achieve these outcomes, and I reiterate that invitation, because it seems that those opposite cannot quite make their minds up on a housing strategy, as evidenced by the member for Brighton, who stated:
… we villagers are getting restless … The only way to … cater for …population growth is to expand Melbourne …
This in stark contrast to a Liberal member for the Northern Metropolitan Region, who recently stated:
… it is immoral that large sections of our inner cities, flush with good transport –
services –
schools, health care and other infrastructure, remain almost flat … denying young Victorians a chance to buy their first home where they want to live.
It is clear the Victorian Liberals have no plan when it comes to housing and planning. Again I invite those opposite to join me as we on this side take real action on housing and deliver good planning outcomes.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: The member for Eildon is warned.