Wednesday, 16 August 2023
Constituency questions
Melton electorate
Melton electorate
Steve McGHIE (Melton) (14:43): (277) My question is to the Minister for Veterans. Can the minister please outline how the government is supporting and commemorating Victoria’s veterans in the Melton electorate and across the state? Minister, this Friday is a very important day in our nation’s history. It is Vietnam Veterans Day, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. I am very proud of the Vietnam Veterans Association in my electorate of Melton. The Vietnam Veterans Association provide valuable services and welfare support to veterans and the families that support them. I give my thanks to Wayne Gillies, president of the Vietnam Veterans Association at Melton, and his committee, who have gone beyond doing phenomenal work for veterans, particularly Vietnam veterans. Today and every day we must not forget what we have been given by those who have served, those currently serving and those who will serve. I look forward to hearing from the minister on how the Andrews Labor government is supporting Victorian veterans and commemorations, including for Vietnam Veterans Day.