Wednesday, 16 August 2023
Bellarine electorate sports facilities
Bellarine electorate sports facilities
Alison MARCHANT (Bellarine) (19:17): (298) My adjournment is for the Minister for Community Sport. The action that I seek from the minister is to join me and visit sporting clubs in my electorate, clubs that are celebrating a milestone or planning further works. For example, stage 2 of the Queenscliff sport precinct facility upgrades at the Monahan Centre has been a wonderful achievement for Queenscliff and the surrounding community. With the support of a $3.15 million infrastructure investment from the Victorian government’s Community Sports Infrastructure Fund, the Queenscliff sport precinct has recently accomplished a great milestone. Stage 2 involved upgrades of the cricket and netball facilities, oval lighting, play spaces and new car parking. It is the proud home of the Queenscliff Coutas football and netball club and the Queenscliff Cricket Club. This is a fantastic community asset that is very much loved by the community. The facility also demonstrates the Andrews Labor government’s commitment to ensuring that sport is accessible for all, with impressive female-friendly change facilities as well. I know the Queenscliff sporting precinct will continue to serve the community well for many years to come, and I welcome the minister to visit.