Wednesday, 16 August 2023
Members statements
Pascoe Vale North Primary School
Pascoe Vale North Primary School
Anthony CIANFLONE (Pascoe Vale) (09:57): Last year on the campaign trail I had the privilege of visiting Pascoe Vale North Primary School, on the corner of Derby Street and Kent Road, along with the federal member for Wills Peter Khalil. First opened in 1956, Pascoe Vale North Primary has been doing a magnificent job for over six decades to educate and prepare generations of local young students for their careers and lives ahead. Guided by the school’s ‘Excellence in learning’ motto, Pascoe Vale North continues to support the learning and wellbeing journey of the over 420 students that are currently enrolled in the school. In meeting with school principal Deborah Crane, it was a pleasure to discuss the school’s future needs as well as the benefits of previous federal and state Labor government investments to upgrade the school, which included the previous BER upgrades, which delivered a new, modern learning classroom building, as well as the more recent $91,000 by the Victorian Labor government to deliver a new sensory garden designed to promote mindfulness among students.