Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Introduction and first reading
That I introduce a bill for an act to amend the Bus Safety Act 2009, the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Act 2017, the Marine (Domestic Commercial Vessel National Law Application) Act 2013, the Road Management Act 2004, the Road Safety Act 1986, the Sentencing Act 1991, the Transport Accident Act 1986, the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983, the Transport Integration Act 2010 and other acts and for other purposes.
Motion agreed to.
James NEWBURY (Brighton) (15:18): I ask the minister for a brief explanation of the bill.
Melissa HORNE (Williamstown – Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Roads and Road Safety) (15:18): The main purpose of this bill is to continue the government’s strong commitment to road safety and the delivery of the road safety strategy through enabling the conduct of a world-leading research trial into medicinal cannabis and driving. The bill also seeks to protect amenity and accessibility in public spaces by giving local councils greater control over e-scooter and bicycle share schemes in their municipalities. It also makes a number of amendments to the road safety and transport legislation to improve their operation and effectiveness. Other reforms include changes to information disclosure regimes to enable the sharing of data with other government departments, in particular the State Revenue Office, and greater transparency in handling data arising from the public transport network.
Read first time.
Ordered to be read second time tomorrow.