Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Members statements

Niti Bhargava


Niti Bhargava

Luba GRIGOROVITCH (Kororoit) (16:40): I rise to speak on the achievements of Niti Bhargava, a resilient migrant woman from India who is a mortgage broker and is now heavily involved in the local Kororoit community. Niti approached me at the beginning of this year, and I met with her for the first time on International Women’s Day at a lunch which I held in Kororoit in Aintree. Since then I have remained connected with Niti. Inspired by her own experiences, Niti has built a financial literacy program designed to educate migrant women and families on several aspects of finance, from general banking to wealth management. After hearing stories of financial and domestic abuse, prevalent not just in Kororoit but throughout Victoria’s migrant communities, Niti dedicated her time to volunteering and offering these programs. She aims to truly give these migrant women the skills and knowledge to be financially independent. Niti has hosted two successful financial literacy sessions for migrant women in Kororoit, both with a positive and encouraging turnout. She is also actively involved in breast cancer awareness and fundraising. She is a strong advocate for women in sport in Kororoit, especially through her love of cricket. Most recently Niti was featured in Mortgage Professional Australia magazine. This recognition truly shows her outstanding achievements and ongoing commitment to the local community. I want to congratulate Niti for her tremendous achievements, and I am excited to see her commitment to educating and empowering migrant women to help shape a stronger Kororoit.