Tuesday, 17 October 2023


Wendouree electorate First Peoples organisations


Wendouree electorate First Peoples organisations

Juliana ADDISON (Wendouree) (19:21): (380) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples, and the action I seek is for the minister to visit my electorate of Wendouree and meet with representatives from the Wadawurrung traditional owners corporation and the Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co-operative. The Wadawurrung are seven family groups recognised under the traditional law and customs of the registered Aboriginal party, and the RAP area recovers over 10,000 square kilometres including the electorate of Wendouree. I wish to acknowledge the work of acting CEO Liam Murphy and general manager of recognition and negotiations, all the traditional owners and the Wadawurrung corporation for the work they do across our community. I look forward to meeting with representatives and listening to the issues that are important to them.

The Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co-operative was established by members of the local Aboriginal community in 1979 and is led by CEO Karen Heap, the BADAC board of directors, chief executive of culture Shu Brown and an incredible workforce. BADAC delivers health, social, welfare and community development programs to the Aboriginal community in Ballarat and surrounds. As a member of the Allan Labor government, I am proud we are supporting BADAC-led projects including the construction of a culturally safe independent-living community for local Aboriginal elders as well as the Yirram Burron early education centre in Sebastopol. Yirram burron means ‘morning child’, and this new early learning centre is an Aboriginal-led and community-owned kindergarten with an emphasis on culture, education and community. Meeting with representatives from BADAC will provide an opportunity for the minister to hear directly from the Ballarat Aboriginal community about building a better future.

I am so proud that our Labor government supports improved outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians, and we are proud to walk with them in Ballarat and across the state. I note that Victoria is the only Australian jurisdiction to have actioned both the treaty and truth components of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. I look forward to hearing back from the minister and am hopeful that the minister will welcome the opportunity to meet with Wadawurrung traditional owners and BADAC.