Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Environment Legislation Amendment (Circular Economy and Other Matters) Bill 2023
Environment Legislation Amendment (Circular Economy and Other Matters) Bill 2023
Introduction and first reading
That I introduce a bill for an act to amend the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021 to further provide for matters relating to the container deposit scheme, the waste to energy scheme and the recovery of regulatory costs for those schemes and to amend the Environment Protection Act 2017 to improve the operation of that act and for other purposes.
Motion agreed to.
James NEWBURY (Brighton) (15:21): I ask the minister for a brief explanation of the bill.
Steve DIMOPOULOS (Oakleigh – Minister for Environment, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Minister for Outdoor Recreation) (15:21): This bill introduces amendments to the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021 and the Environment Protection Act 2017 that address issues identified during implementation of Victoria’s container deposit scheme and waste-to-energy scheme. The amendments aim to minimise the risks to the operation of both schemes and to clarify and streamline some elements of the operations of the circular economy act. For example, these amendments will – however, they are not limited to this – clarify cost recovery arrangements for the container deposit scheme, allow licensing fees to be set, enable Recycling Victoria to recover costs from beverage producers and fund its operations, ensure that recipients of remedial notices can pass them on to polluters and ensure that certain authorised officers and protective service officers have the authority to act as litter enforcement officers.
Read first time.
Ordered to be read second time tomorrow.