Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Members statements

Glen Eira child care


Glen Eira child care

Steve DIMOPOULOS (Oakleigh – Minister for Environment, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Minister for Outdoor Recreation) (16:38): I would like to express my support for the families affected by Glen Eira council’s recent preliminary decision to close their early learning centres. This decision is disheartening, particularly given the timing as we approach the end of the year. Child care and early education is an essential service. Glen Eira council’s early learning centres have been a cost-effective alternative for many families. They are known for their convenient locations, for the comfort of their familiar environments and for their staff. I have heard from several parents who are deeply distressed. They lack confidence in the council’s decision and are feeling unsupported in this trying time. I strongly urge Glen Eira council to reconsider their decision and consider the critical need for accessible early learning services.