Thursday, 14 November 2024
Members statements
Rosanna Piccolo
Rosanna Piccolo
Colin BROOKS (Bundoora – Minister for Development Victoria, Minister for Precincts, Minister for Creative Industries) (09:48): It is a great honour to rise today to recognise an incredible 50 years of service in education by Mrs Rosanna Piccolo, principal of St Damian’s Catholic primary school in Bundoora. Of that 50 years, Rosanna has worked tirelessly as a principal for the past 17. After starting her teaching career at St John’s primary school in Heidelberg in 1974, Rosanna would come to teach at schools mostly across Melbourne’s north, including St Mark’s in Fawkner, St Thomas the Apostle in Greensborough north – another fantastic school in my electorate – followed by time at St Catherine’s in Lalor, St Margaret’s in Keon Park, St Phillip’s in Blackburn North and finally St Damian’s a decade ago.
The St Damian’s community knows Rosanna as a dedicated, hardworking and loyal educator respected by students, families and staff. Over many years of visiting St Damian’s I have seen firsthand the high regard in which Rosanna is held. The refurbished buildings at the school, which were recently dedicated and blessed, are a testament to Rosanna’s strong advocacy for the school and in particular her commitment to see her students provided with a high-quality learning environment. Rosanna has given so much to primary education over the past 50 years. It is incredible to think of how many students she has supported over her time in teaching and how many students’ lives she has had a positive impact upon. I say to Rosanna and her family on behalf of our local community and more broadly as a member of this Parliament: thank you for your passionate service to the Catholic education system and our community for over half a century.