Thursday, 14 November 2024
Members statements
Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day
Vicki WARD (Eltham – Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Minister for Employment) (10:00): Montmorency Eltham RSL has again undertaken a remarkable Remembrance Day service, and I acknowledge and thank everyone involved in this commemoration, including Luca and Ava from Sherbourne Primary; Harry from Our Lady’s primary; Keegan and Abbie from St Francis Xavier Primary; the Eltham College Voci choir; Ollie, Olive, Mila, Wesley and Armin from Eltham East Primary; Rugiada and Heidi from Holy Trinity Primary; Nyssa and Alexander from Briar Hill Primary; Lucas Shen from Eltham College; and Lower Plenty Primary and Montmorency South Primary. I have amazing RSLs in my community, and I love how they continue to include children and young people in their services. I see the Minister for Veterans is here with me. She will be pleased to know that Monty South Primary students helped me lay her wreath, which she generously sent to my RSL.
Thank you to committee members and volunteers of the Friends of Kangaroo Ground War Memorial Park for organising another lovely Remembrance Day service. Thanks also to Eltham Men’s Shed, Rodney Simmonds – (Time expired)