Thursday, 14 November 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Victoria Police
Victoria Police
John PESUTTO (Hawthorn – Leader of the Opposition) (14:41): My question is to the Premier. For the first time in 25 years Victoria Police members will take industrial action and stop work today. Why have Victoria Police members been forced to fight this Premier for more than 18 months for a decent wage deal?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:42): The Leader of the Opposition once again in asking his question is wrong in the information that he has put to the house. Indeed the government, through its negotiations with the police association, reached a pay deal, and we do agree that police deserve a pay rise. Further evidence of the support we provide to Victoria Police is the $4.5 billion that we have invested in providing more police, but also we listen to Victoria Police and provide them with the additional powers they need, like this week – I should not anticipate debate that is on the notice paper – in terms of providing additional powers to crack down on the illegal tobacco trade. I thank Victoria Police for the good work that they do every single day keeping our community safe. We invest in Victoria Police. We do not cut funding to Victoria Police, like those opposite did when the members for Rowville and Malvern were treasurers in the former government.
David Southwick: On a point of order, Speaker, the Premier is debating the question. I ask you to bring the Premier back to answering the question: why are the police not getting a pay rise? Simple.
The SPEAKER: The Premier to come back to the question.
Jacinta ALLAN: As I indicated to the house, we believe that Victoria Police deserve a pay rise. That is why we negotiated a pay deal with the police association. Following that process, though, Victoria Police determined that this is a matter to go before the Fair Work Commission. That is exactly where it is. We will continue to support the great work of Victoria Police every single day.
John PESUTTO (Hawthorn – Leader of the Opposition) (14:44): A senior Victoria Police officer has said:
There are not enough funds to meet all commitments, which are growing every year, or even resource stations, never mind pay for pay rises.
Police association secretary Wayne Gatt warned today that Labor’s failure to offer a decent wage deal would force Victoria Police officers to:
… migrate north to brighter and better-paid careers in NSW and Queensland.
Why has the Premier prioritised funding for Suburban Rail Loop East above a decent wage deal for Victoria Police members?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:45): I say again to the Leader of the Opposition that he is wrong in that assertion. We indeed did negotiate a pay outcome with the police association, because we do believe that Victoria Police deserve a pay rise. That is consistent with the approach that we have taken in government, where we have invested an additional $4.5 billion in putting more boots on the ground, putting more police resources on the ground and giving more tools and resources to Victoria Police. Some of us remember a four-year period – I talked about 2013 earlier, which is covered in that four-year period – when not one single additional police officer was funded.
David Southwick: On a point of order, Speaker, again the Premier is debating the question. I would ask you to bring her back to answering the question. There are police members on strike today. They are on strike.
Ben Carroll: On the point of order, Speaker, Rulings from the Chair, page 155, ‘Discussion of former government permitted’, states that ‘it is permissible to talk about something that the former government did’, Speaker Smith.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: The member for Yan Yean can leave the chamber for half an hour.
Member for Yan Yean withdrew from chamber.
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, the bright spark got the wrong point of order.
The SPEAKER: Order! The Premier was comparing and contrasting a former government, which is acceptable, but I remind the Premier not to attack the opposition.
Jacinta ALLAN: It is also a fact that during that four-year period funding was cut to Victoria Police. We will continue to invest in Victoria Police and thank them for the great work that they do.