Thursday, 14 November 2024
Members statements
Greg Coghlan
Greg Coghlan
Kim O’KEEFFE (Shepparton) (10:01): I wish to acknowledge Mr Greg Coghlan, the owner and operator of Goulburn Valley Vending Service for the past 20 years. Greg was notified in February that V/Line was changing the way it manages the provision of refreshments at railway stations and had entered into an agreement with Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, a global company. Greg was also notified that he had 30 days to remove his machines. As you can imagine, this was a shock and has had a significant impact on Greg and his small team of three staff. At no time was Mr Coghlan given an opportunity to tender for these services. Mr Coghlan is bewildered by the lack of consideration, care and transparency, and we have argued that the correct procurement processes were not followed. Following this decision I urge the Minister for Public and Active Transport to retract this decision.
In corresponding with the minister and V/Line, Greg has been given an extension until the end of 2025, but this proposal added new fees and costs for him to do so. This is just simply appalling, trying to make extra money when he is already down. Having these machines serviced by a larger company may work in metropolitan Melbourne stations, but it is not working in regional communities, with the machines often not fully stocked. Should a machine break down, Mr Coghlan is only minutes away with his small warehouse nearby. It is a disgrace to shut down a small regional long-term business in favour of a large global company when it was doing a fantastic job. This business is Greg’s life, and I have seen the pressure and distress this decision has caused this small business owner.