Thursday,14 November 2024
Blackburn activity centre
Blackburn activity centre
Paul HAMER (Box Hill) (17:13): (932) My adjournment matter is also for the Minister for Planning, and the action that I seek is for the minister to join me for a local walk in Blackburn to better understand the qualities that make Blackburn unique. Blackburn has been identified as one of six activity centres on the Belgrave–Lilydale line as part of the government’s expanded activity centres program. Blackburn is a very special place with qualities found nowhere else in Melbourne. The residential area south of the station has the largest tree coverage of any suburb within 20 kilometres of the CBD and a large number of streets registered on the National Trust. The area is an oasis in the suburbia which surrounds it. The nearby Blackburn Lake Sanctuary is a wonderful bushland park and provides a haven for over 165 bird species. The streets extending outwards from the lake and across Blackburn Road are an integral part of the ecology of the lake area and demonstrate an excellent integration between the natural and man-made environments.
While the provision of additional housing in appropriate locations is important, any planning changes must recognise the unique environmental values that attract residents to a suburb in the first place. With the planning process expected to kick off in 2025, a visit by the minister so she can see for herself what Blackburn residents really love about their suburb will assist her putting together a plan that can respect the needs of the community. I look forward to her reply.