Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Animal care and protection legislation

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Animal care and protection legislation

Emma KEALY (Lowan) presented a petition bearing 40 signatures:


这份由维多利亚州关注的居民发起的请愿书, 向议会提请注意, 工党政府的《动物护理与保护法案‍》将导致唐人街及其他维多利亚州餐厅失去获取新鲜本地海鲜和猪肉产品的机会, 从而对与食物相关的传统和文化产生重大影响

This petition of residents in Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Assembly concerns that the Labor Government’s Animal Care and Protection Bill will lead to the loss of access to fresh and local seafood and pork products in Chinatown and other Victorian restaurants, having a significant impact through the loss of tradition and culture related to food.


因此, 请愿者请求维多利亚州立法议会呼吁艾伦工党政府保护将海鲜饲养在水族箱中的传统, 并保持获取新鲜维多利亚猪肉产品的机会

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Assembly calls on the Allan Labor Government to preserve the tradition of housing seafood in aquariums and maintaining access to fresh Victorian pork products.

Ordered that petition be considered tomorrow.