Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Central Avenue–Point Cook Road, Altona Meadows


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Central Avenue–Point Cook Road, Altona Meadows

Mathew HILAKARI (Point Cook) (19:21): (1010) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, and the action that I seek is for the minister to join me at the intersection of Central Avenue and Point Cook Road. This pivotal intersection serves the communities of Altona Meadows, Seabrook and Point Cook. 28,000 vehicles use it every day. It is dangerous and it is congested, and that is why we are getting rid of it. I am very pleased to say that we have undertaken community consultation. We are finding all those dastardly pipes and connections under the road – one of those complex matters that is a struggle for every growing community – and then we are getting underway. The Premier, when she was minister, joined me there straight after the budget. I believe it was her first visit after the budget. We know the commitment of this government to improving this intersection and getting that work underway, so I look forward to the minister joining me.