Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Edgecombe Road–Melville Drive, Kyneton

Mary-Anne THOMAS

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Edgecombe Road–Melville Drive, Kyneton

Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon) presented a petition bearing 1163 signatures:


This petition of residents in Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Assembly the dangerous intersection of Edgecombe Road and Melville Drive Kyneton. Edgecombe Road is a B-Double and heavy vehicle (Higher Mass Limit) route with heavy transports using the road daily. Melville Drive is a short government road off Edgecombe Road to the east, continuing as an internal road (common property) on a Cluster Subdivision (CS1134) of 126 lots. Users of 120 lots regularly use access via the intersection which is the only means of ingress and egress to the 107 residential dwellings and other buildings either individually owned or part of a time share. An unofficial traffic count on 5.5.2023 indicated 1,636 traffic movements in the vicinity of the intersection. There were 4 accidents, 3 of which were major, at the intersection between 2019 and 2023, one of which required a person to be hospitalised for some time.


The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Assembly arrange to install a dedicated right turn lane immediately to the south of Melville Drive for north bound traffic on Edgecombe Road to access Melville Drive safely.