Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: public transport fares

Gabrielle WILLIAMS

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Ministers statements: public transport fares

Gabrielle WILLIAMS (Dandenong – Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Public and Active Transport) (14:08): I rise to update the house on the Allan Labor government’s regional fare cap and how it continues to make it cheaper for Victorians to explore our beautiful state. Since we capped regional public transport fares back in 2023, Victorians have collectively saved $107 million on train and coach travel around our state. That is money back in the pockets of Victorians each and every day, because unlike those opposite, who criticised the regional fare cap and who forgot to order a single V/Line carriage for years – and that is before we get to the closure of train lines – we are committed on this side of the house to making public transport more –

Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, attacking the opposition in a ministers statement, as ruled on by former Speaker Brooks, is disorderly.

Mary-Anne Thomas: On the point of order, Speaker, there is no point of order. Everyone knows it is entirely appropriate to contrast what this government is doing for the people of regional Victoria in delivering transport infrastructure with what those on the other side did when they were in government.

The SPEAKER: Order! I remind the minister not to attack the opposition. It is okay to contrast, but I ask you to be mindful of your answer.

Gabrielle WILLIAMS: On this side of the house we are committed to making public transport more accessible and more affordable for all Victorians, whether it be to get people to medical appointments or to visit their family and friends or whether –

Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, I believe the minister is reading from notes.

The SPEAKER: Minister, were you reading from notes?

Gabrielle WILLIAMS: Only referring to notes, Speaker.

The SPEAKER: The minister was referring to notes.

Gabrielle WILLIAMS: But I am happy to provide the member with a list of what her government and her predecessors have done in the public transport system.

Or whether it is to get students to the great universities and TAFEs across our state, where thousands of Victorians will be heading next week to indulge in orientation week celebrations and kick off their studies for the year. Students across the state will be very carefully budgeting this week and mapping out their journeys to campus, and thanks to this government’s fairer fares policies, an undergrad student from Melbourne who is starting their dream course at Fed Uni in Ballarat can get to O week and back for as little as $5.50. Similarly, a student from Ballarat who might have chosen to enrol at Melbourne Uni will soon have their very own direct train connection when our new Parkville Metro Tunnel station opens later this year – and I note those opposite blocked that too. These are trips that would have otherwise cost students $22.80 – (Time expired)