Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: fuel prices

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Ministers statements: fuel prices

Nick STAIKOS (Bentleigh – Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Local Government) (14:22): We all know the frustration of passing the servo in the morning seeing one price, only for it to have skyrocketed by the time you fill up in the afternoon. Right now, filling up the tank is less of a transaction and more of a lucky dip, except the only surprise is paying more than you expected and the only winner is a multinational corporation. But our government is doing something about it. The Allan Labor government’s fair fuel plan is going to give Victorians certainty –

Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, I know the minister is new in his role, but I think he is reading from notes.

The SPEAKER: Order! Is the minister reading from his notes?

A member interjected.

The SPEAKER: The minister is referring to notes.

Nick STAIKOS: The Allan Labor government’s fair fuel plan is going to give Victorians certainty over the cost of fuel. Prices will be publicly reported the day before and then locked in for 24 hours. It is as simple as that. If you want to know the cost of fuel nearby, you will be able to check the Service Victoria app, where you will be able to view in real time the guaranteed price at more than 1500 fuel retailers across the state. Families will no longer need a crystal ball to guess how much they will pay.

But sadly, it is no surprise that those opposite take issue with these reforms, reforms that are going to save families money at the bowser, because the Liberals will always put the interests of their buddies in big business ahead of the needs of ordinary Victorians. We know that that is true. Our focus is squarely –

Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, Rulings from the Chair, page 161, from former Speaker Brooks, specifies that you cannot attack the opposition during a ministers statement.

Mary-Anne Thomas: Speaker, there is no point of order. The minister was merely pointing out what are the actual facts of the matter: that those on the other side are opposing this cost-of-living initiative that is being delivered by the very fine Minister for Consumer Affairs.

Members interjecting.

James Newbury: Further to the point of order, Speaker, it is entirely out of order to attack the opposition, especially from a bloke who drives around in a ministerial car.

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: Order! The Premier will come to order. Leader of the House! The member for Brighton knows full well how to raise a point of order: without extrapolation. The minister will cease attacking the opposition in his minsters statement.

Nick STAIKOS: Well, Bridget’s job is safe. Our focus is squarely on helping with the cost of living and putting –

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: I have been pretty lenient with members today. There are still a few questions to go, so there will be no warnings.

Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, ministers should use correct titles.

The SPEAKER: Minister, come back to answering the question, and I remind you to use correct titles.

Nick STAIKOS: Our focus is squarely on helping with the cost of living and putting money back into the pockets of ordinary Victorians. From free rego for apprentices to free kinder, capped V/Line fares and stamp duty exemptions, our fair fuel plan builds on the long history of cost-of-living relief.