Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Constituency questions

Narre Warren South electorate

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Narre Warren South electorate

Gary MAAS (Narre Warren South) (14:52): (1017) My constituency question is for the Minister for Children in the other place and concerns the free kinder kits for three-year-olds. Minister, how do kinder kits benefit children and families in my community of Narre Warren South? The Allan Labor government’s kinder kits are back for 2025, with 70,000 kids across Victoria, including in my electorate of Narre Warren South, receiving the kits starting from last week. The kits are provided to children attending funded three-year-old kinder and are part of Victoria’s Best Start, Best Life reforms. Low-fee and free kinder is saving families around $2600 a year and supporting more parents and carers to return to work if they choose to. I am sure my youngest constituents will enjoy the useful items inside the kinder kit, which also doubles as a backpack. I look forward to sharing the Minister’s response with my community.