Tuesday, 4 March 2025



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Gary MAAS (Narre Warren South) (19:09): (1034) The adjournment matter I wish to raise is for the Minister for Planning and concerns the recently announced housing targets. The action that I seek is that the minister provide further information about how the housing targets and the cutting of red tape will improve housing availability and affordability for constituents in my electorate of Narre Warren South. The Allan Labor government’s housing targets for local government areas make it clear that we are getting on with the job of delivering the houses needed in Victoria in line with our plan to build more houses than ever before over the next 30 years. The targets set allow councils to work with government and industry to meet the demand in the housing market, and if not, our government will intervene and unlock more access to more homes.

We will deliver more housing in established areas and suburbs near great amenities, jobs, education and public transport. While young people and families will have a greater chance to find a reasonably priced rental or indeed own their own home, the introduction of a new townhouse code and assessment times will get building moving. So many people want to live in and raise their families in the great state of Victoria. Now we need to accommodate those from near and far who want to live, work and raise a family in Victoria in the same way as many of us here in this chamber have. I look forward to sharing the minister’s response with my community.