Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Members statements

Frankston electorate planning


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Frankston electorate planning

Paul EDBROOKE (Frankston) (13:12): I know everyone in this house was as shocked as I was when we saw construction on the beach south of Olivers Hill, so I want to give everyone in the house and in my community I bit of an update on what went on there. I went for a walk after many, many people in my community reported that there was some construction on a Frankston beach, and lo and behold there was construction on a Frankston beach – no permits, no engineering certificates, no planning – in a sensitive cultural heritage area. A man had moved into his house, seen fit to get rid of 700 square metres of protective foreshore from our community and decided to build a wall in the middle of a Frankston beach. Now, some might be a bit sceptical. The call was ‘I don’t want my house to fall into the ocean,’ while there is evidence that maybe a seawall was pulled up to create this seawall and possibly a boat ramp was being built from his house as well.

The one thing we will not stand in any community in Victoria – let alone in Frankston, I can tell you now – is people deciding that they own the place and they will do what they want. They will put a $400,000 bond aside in their bank account because that is the cost of doing business. No permits were applied for – nothing. This is insane. The council have done a good job. The department have been onto it. Thank you to the minister for his interaction in this issue. I am sad to hear that the resident will be moving on after this interaction with our community, but our community values our beaches.