Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Constituency questions
Box Hill electorate
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Box Hill electorate
Paul HAMER (Box Hill) (14:35): (1456) My question is to the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop. Earlier this month the Suburban Rail Loop Authority released the draft structure plans for the precincts around the six SRL East stations. During earlier rounds of consultation, locals in Box Hill shared with me their views on amenity, calling out the need for more open space and green connections. In particular, the potential of the privately owned Box Hill brickworks and former tip site has attracted much community discussion. I note that the structure plan has identified the brickworks as a strategic site and states that accessible public open space should be provided as part of a master plan development scheme for the site. I ask the minister: how will this vision for accessible public open space be delivered? I look forward to the minister’s response.