Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Constituency questions

South-West Coast electorate


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Constituency questions

South-West Coast electorate

Roma BRITNELL (South-West Coast) (14:34): (1455) My constituency question is to the Minister for Regional Development, and I ask: when will the Portland Gymnastics Club receive the upgrade they were promised in 2022? The Glenelg Shire Council and local sporting clubs spent time and money scoping a multipurpose facility for Portland, so it was a surprise that before the election of 2022 the Allan Labor government promised $1.25 million to only renovate the local gymnastics club facility, totally ignoring the previous work done by the community and the council. Labor scuppered plans for a shared multipurpose centre for other local sporting clubs. Now the council is lumbered with the gym renovation project. Because no scoping was done by the government, the council has found that the shed does not meet the building codes and needs a new fire system at a projected cost of $250,000. The government needs to provide this extra money or the promise cannot be delivered. Two years on and the gymnastics community continue without the promised facility. Shame on the Labor government for ignoring the community.