Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Construction industry
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Questions without notice and ministers statements
Construction industry
Brad BATTIN (Berwick – Leader of the Opposition) (14:01): My question is to the Premier. Lilly Munro was black-banned from government Big Build sites after she reported an incident where she was locked in a small room by an ice-smoking thug whose employment had been ordered by the CFMEU. Lilly’s story is one of many. Premier, why is your government failing to ensure the safety of women on government building sites?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:02): In acknowledging the Leader of the Opposition’s question, can I say to Lilly Munro and all women, whether they be working on construction sites or in any workplace here in Victoria, that they absolutely deserve the right to a safe and respectful workplace. The behaviour that was outlined in the media reporting on Sunday was utterly sickening. It was unacceptable, and I have zero tolerance for this behaviour. Those of us on this side of the house in my Labor government have worked incredibly hard to strengthen women’s safety, whether it is in the home, on the streets or in workplaces, and that will continue to be my focus.
When it comes to addressing these issues on workplaces, I make it absolutely clear – again, it does not matter whether it is a workplace, whether the projects are funded by the Victorian government or in the private sector – the same standards should be applied. I also accept that when it comes to workplaces that are supported by the government I will be holding those workplaces to account and ensuring that there is safety on workplaces, which is why we have taken a zero-tolerance approach. We are working to strengthen the complaints processes –
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker – the zero-tolerance approach is not working – on relevance, I ask you to ask the Premier to answer the very narrow question.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: The member for Evelyn has a right to be heard in silence. The Premier was being relevant to the question that was asked.
Jacinta ALLAN: As I was referring to the actions that we have taken, we are establishing a complaints process and we are supporting the work of the federal government through their appointment of an administrator, because we do need to stamp out this rotten culture. I will continue, as we will on this side of the house, to ensure that our workplaces are safe for all women.
Brad BATTIN (Berwick – Leader of the Opposition) (14:04): Premier, we have seen shocking footage of a CFMEU delegate bashing and abusing women while on a government Big Build site. Can the Premier confirm that that delegate is banned from all Big Build sites?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:05): In acknowledging the Leader of the Opposition’s question, I refer back to actions that we took last year regarding making very clear, including through the passage of legislation, the restrictions that –
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Member for Brighton!
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, the Premier is debating the question. It was very narrow. Has this delegate been banned from government worksites?
The SPEAKER: The Premier has only been on her feet for a short time. I remind the Premier of the question. However, I remind the member for Evelyn that I cannot direct the Premier how to answer the question.
Jacinta ALLAN: I was referring to legislation about banning people from prescribed government worksites who are members of organised crime groups. In terms of the absolutely sickening footage that was broadcast on Sunday evening, I can advise the house of two matters. The first is I am advised that Victoria Police are undertaking further investigations, and I am also advised that that individual is not on any sites that are under the contracting arrangements from the infrastructure division.