Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: bail laws


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Ministers statements: bail laws

Sonya KILKENNY (Carrum – Attorney-General, Minister for Planning) (14:24): We are moving fast to make sure community safety is right at the centre of our criminal justice system, where it should be. That is why next month the Allan Labor government will start its two-year trial of electronically monitored bail for young people. We want to make sure young repeat offenders aged between 14 and 17 comply with their bail conditions. Bail compliance is not optional, and if anyone commits further crime, particularly high-harm serious crime, while on bail, it is absolutely our expectation bail will be revoked. We are seeing too many young people getting bail and committing more crimes, often some of the very worst types of crime that are terrifying Victorians in their homes and on the streets. At the same time we want to make sure these young repeat offenders get the intensive bail supervision they need.

The electronic bail monitoring program is an opportunity to help get young repeat offenders to re-engage with education, training and work, because we know doing this is a proven way of helping young offenders break the cycle of offending, getting them back on track and turning their lives around. And isn’t that what we all want, for them and for everyone, making our community much safer?

It takes more than tough talk to create safer communities. In this place you have to show up. It is not a part-time gig. It is certainly not smooth sailing every day. The Allan Labor government is working hard to make our community safer and to keep Victorians safe in their homes and in their neighbourhoods.